/************************************************************** * File: Documentation: Now What- Post Installation * Author: Mike Lansberry (http://phpCOIN.com) * Date: 2004-01-04 (V1.2.0) * Changed: Stephen M. Kitching 2004-04-03 (v1.2.1) * License: DO NOT Remove this text block. See /docs/license.txt * Copyright © 2003-2004 phpCOIN.com * Schema: See sql file for schema reference * Notes: * - post installation tips **************************************************************/ /************************************************************** * What Now: **************************************************************/ The following assumes all has installed properly, and are ready to go further. So here we go. In the event you encounter bugs, or have problems with something, please visit the forum: http://forums.phpcoin.com If you are unsure how to use a feature or perform an action, please visit the user manual http://docs.phpcoin.com The concepts: - Admins and Users - Separate entities. User, or better yet- Clients, are generated when an order is placed. Admin can create. - Initial default is no clients, and one admin as mentioned in the install doc. - Admins are that administrators- full access. - Clients (users) are limited and can only see what info pertains to them (their orders, info, etc.). NOTE: It is recommended that the site admin also initiate an order to become a client, cancel before payment. Use site as domain. This will let you test client features, etc.. - Orders - To go to order directly from an icon for a specific product, Order Prod #1 - Orders are placed via the Place Orders link and the following should happen: - Step 1: User must accepts TOS and AUP policies. Selects product and vendor (payment method). OR selects Custom Order request. See forum for info on COR: http://www.phpcoin.com/addons/ibf/index.php?showtopic=34 - Step 2: Fills in required info to setup account. - Step 4: Place Order / Final confirmation of information. - If continued and normal order: - Client is created in Clients table - Order is created in Orders table, linked to client - Domain is put in domains table (will tie in servers) - Lookup Vendor Product (prod id and vend id selected) to get the appropriate payment link. - Display Payment link on final screen. - If continued and Custom Order Request (COR): - Client is created in Clients table - Email sent to site admin and client with summary of the custom order request. - Display message and info on final screen. - Step 5: Third Party Billing (normal order) - User clicks on order payment link provided - Takes the person to the pay link for the third party billing site. Out of phpCOIN site / code at this point. - Step 6: Client returns from third party billing (normal order) - User present with either "buy" or "cancel" message. - Future will trigger from this. - Step 7: You go from here. - Tools are in place to let you send order confirmation emails, server account activation emails. - Client can come and login and view their info. - Existing clients should login prior to placing orders. - Will load their information (they can edit). - A new client will not be created when order placed. - A existing client can place orders for existing domain, new clients cannot. - Aborted orders. If user does place order (which inserts into your database) but dosen't click pay link, you'll get a dead order. - Support Data - Naturally there is support data that is required for the site. Things like products, vendors, etc. are required to be setup. So be sure to review / add (from admin menu) the following: - Admin Information - FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) is empty (sorry). - Products- appear in select list when placing order. - Vendors- appear in select list when placing order. - Vendors Products- ties the two together for order link - Mail Contacts- Contact email addresses. Default four are required and should not be editid except to correct the address. - SiteInfo Pages- SiteInfo module is for creating / editing many of the "site info" pages. Pages are created and can be displayed in content area. The following items are provided as SiteInfo pages: - Site Index - Announcement (turn on and visible above index) - About Us page - Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) - Banned Code Policy - Privacy Policy - Terms Of Service (TOS) Call a Siteinfo page by ID: Show SiteInfo #3 So to edit these, use the Admin SiteInfo editor. HMTL works. - Pages- this module is similar to SiteInfo but with slightly different options. Pages can be assigned to Topic or Category. HTML and javascript (should) code works. Call a Page by ID: Show Page #3 - Menu blocks- required to setup if displaying side menu columns (like at phpmywebthing.com) It is recommended that menu columns only be used if going 100% width (assuming most users are 1024 x 768) - Server Account Activation emails - See forum note on explanation that goes along with this (sorry): http://www.phpcoin.com/addons/ibf/index.php?showtopic=33 - Payment Links - See forum note on explanation that goes along with this (sorry): http://www.phpcoin.com/addons/ibf/index.php?showtopic=24 - Currently (2) billing Vendors are exampled in the package. - Paypal.com - 2Checkout.com Other Billing Vendors will work, provided buy parameter and value have been properly set in product information. - When the client makes it to the screen that displays the payment link, the code locates and loads the payment link for the vendor product (see below), and preforms a search and replace for the pre-defined string and basically inserts the order id number. Legacy- to be removed post V1.2.0 # Get 2checkout.com params $data['credit_card_processed'] = $_GPV[credit_card_processed]; $data['merchant_order_id'] = $_GPV[merchant_order_id]; # Get PayPal.com params $data['buy'] = $_GPV[buy]; $data['order_id'] = $_GPV[order_id]; Current V1.2.0 and later: # Search and replace parameters in string (V1.2) # For paypal - Typical Paypal Pay Link:
Paypal Pay Link- With replacment variables: (Which makes one cover all for paypal)
- Typical 2CheckOut.com (review 2Checkout terms for actual requirements in link text):

Your secure payment will be processed by 2CheckOut