/************************************************************** * File: Documentation: Installation * Author: Mike Lansberry (http://phpCOIN.com) * Date: 2004-01-04 (V1.2.0) * Changed: Stephen M. Kitching, 2004-04-03 (v1.2.1) * License: DO NOT Remove this text block. See /docs/license.txt * Copyright © 2003-2004 phpCOIN.com * Schema: See sql file for schema reference * Notes: * - installation instructions **************************************************************/ /************************************************************** * Important stuff **************************************************************/ Some items to resolve right away: - Tab-spaces for all files is: 4-char (spaces / tab) (may need to adjust editor program preferences) - Unix type text file. All files are created and edited as "unix text" files. Be careful of editors saving in DOS, or MAC type files- always use unix. (may need to adjust editor program preferences) - Where to install? Make the decision to either run phpcoin as a website or as an addon to existing website. Basically you need to decide on a folder or directory to plop the files in. - Backup your database before giving me a whack at it. /************************************************************** * Installation- Short method (feeling lucky) **************************************************************/ - Download zip file, extract files. - Edit: config.php - misc site parameters and database settings - Upload everything to desired folder. - Make sure required database and user are created. - Run: http://www.your-site.com/phpcoin_dir/setup/setup.php OR just browse to your website and phpCOIN will automatically redirect you to the setup scripts (requires database password for performing) - Go to site and perform configuration. Admin URL: http://your-domain.com/phpcoin_dir/admin.php Default Admin Name: webmaster Default Password: your database password entered for install /************************************************************** * Installation- Normal method (better choice) **************************************************************/ - Download latest zip file from website and when prompted, click "save as" to save file to your computer (desktop OK). Typically filename will be like: phpcoin_Vxxx_YYYY-MM-DD.zip - Using WinZip (or equal) extract the contents of the zip file to a temporary folder on your hard-drive, maintaining path info. The extracted result should be in a folder, named something like: Typically extracted folder will be: phpcoin - Decide where to install: - As a WebSite: ex. httpdocs/ or public_html/ - As an addon to existing website: ex. httpdocs/phpcoin/ or public_html/phpcoin/ - Important Parameter File Editing: SEE FOLLOWING SECTION on required configuration file settings. - Make all required configuration settings - Upload files to your server as follows: - ASCII (all files except images) - BIN (all image files- .gif, .jpg, etc.) As a website: - Copy all files in the phpcoin folder, note- all files in folder not actual folder, to the root folder of your ex. httpdocs/ or public_html/ As an addon to a website: - Copy the entire phpcoin folder to the root folder of your website (ex. httpdocs, public_html) and rename if desired. ex. httpdocs/phpcoin/ or public_html/phpcoin/ - Set permissions- none special, all must be readable and executable as required by your host. - Make sure required database and user are created. - Run: http://www.your-site.com/phpcoin_dir/setup/setup.php OR just browse to your website and phpCOIN will automatically redirect you to the setup scripts (requires database password for performing) - Go to site and perform configuration. Admin URL: http://your-domain.com/phpcoin_dir/admin.php Default Admin Name: webmaster Default Password: your database password entered - See additional documents for more info on phpCOIN /************************************************************** * Configuration: (pre-installatiion) **************************************************************/ Important Parameter File Editing: - Required Pre-Installation Parameter Descriptions: The following configuration items need to be set / verified prior to installation. - File: CONFIG.PHP - Database configuration file - Other website parameters: /**************************************************** * Database Configuration Array ****************************************************/ - Database Server (type) (only "mysql") - Default "mysql"- do not change $_DBCFG['dbms'] = "mysql"; - Database Host - Default "localhost"- should not need to change $_DBCFG['dbhost'] = "localhost"; - Database User - The database user name - Change "username" to your correct value $_DBCFG['dbuname'] = "username"; - Database Password - The database user password - Change "userpassword" to your correct value $_DBCFG['dbpass'] = "userpassword"; - Database Name - The database name - Change "databasename" to your correct value $_DBCFG['dbname'] = "databasename"; - Database Table Prefix - The database table prefix to prefix table names. $_DBCFG['table_prefix'] = "phpcoin_";