/************************************************************** * File: Documentation: Read Me * Author: Mike Lansberry (http://phpCOIN.com) * Date: 2004-01-04 (V1.2.0) * Changed: Stephen M. Kitching, 2004-04-03 (v1.2.1) * License: DO NOT Remove this text block. See /docs/license.txt * Copyright © 2003-2004 phpCOIN.com * Schema: See sql file for schema reference * Notes: * - readme **************************************************************/ phpCOIN can handle several functions automatically on a schedule. These functions are in files in the /cron directory, and must be called via cron or via Windows Task Scheduler. If called via cron, you have the option of calling via wget or a similar program to simulate the files being called from a web-browser. In that event, you need do nothing else other than schedule the jobs. If you do NOT want to use wget or similar program you can call the files normally, but you MUST edit /cron/cron_config.php first, to setup the information that would be known IF the files were called via web-browser.