/************************************************************** * File: Documentation: Configuration Parameters Table * Author: Mike Lansberry (http://phpCOIN.com) * Date: 2004-01-04 (V1.2.0) * Changed: Stephen M. Kitching, 2004-04-03 (v1.2.1) * License: DO NOT Remove this text block. See /docs/license.txt * Copyright © 2003-2004 phpCOIN.com * Schema: See sql file for schema reference * Notes: * - configuration parameters table notes **************************************************************/ Administrator Control Panel access: - Administrator Control Panel @ http://www.yoursite.com/phpcoin_dir/admin.php - Attempting to access control panel without being logged in will result in a redirect to the login. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameters In General: (admin control panel:parameters) - The parameters table is an effort to get package configuration out of files, and into the database for browser editing. - Parameters appearing in the table, are Global scope so they can be used in pages, siteinfo, mail templates, etc. - As a result- have a frequent statement in a bunch of pages, create a parameter and go. - Parameters Groups: The "group" for the parameter effects how it is accessed in the package code as follows: - automation - loaded into the "automation" config array $_ACFG and is accessed via: $_ACFG[the_parameter] - common: - loaded into the "common" config array $_CCFG and is accessed via: $_CCFG[the_parameter] - theme: - loaded into the "theme" config array $_TCFG and is accessed via: $_TCFG[the_parameter] - user: - loaded into the "user" variable array $_UVAR and is accessed via: $_UVAR[the_parameter] - undefined: - not loaded by the system (disabled) ** Note- these groups should not be changed in any manner, including translations- DO NOT TRANSLATE. - Parameters Groups: The "sub-group" for the parameter is purely for grouping and display purposes. - Permits some filtering when the list gets long. - NO EFFECT ON CODING- so can be changed. - Parameters all have some notes text associated with them. If not displayed, change the setting for: "Parameter Editor Show Notes in Listing" to Yes and the notes should the be displayed.