/************************************************************** * File: Documentation: Configuration Parameters * Author: Mike Lansberry (http://phpCOIN.com) * Date: 2004-01-04 (V1.2.0) * Changed: Stephen M. Kitching, 2004-04-03 (v1.2.1) * License: DO NOT Remove this text block. See /docs/license.txt * Copyright © 2003-2004 phpCOIN.com * Schema: See sql file for schema reference * Notes: * - configuration parameter descriptions **************************************************************/ /************************************************************** * Introduction: phpCOIN configuration **************************************************************/ This document covers the configuration parameters for the phpCOIN package. Please review this prior to installation. /************************************************************** * Important stuff **************************************************************/ Some items to resolve right away: - Tab-spaces for all files is: 4-char (spaces / tab) (may need to adjust editor program preferences) - Unix type text file. All files are created and edited as "unix text" files. Be careful of editors saving in DOS, or MAC type files- always use unix. (may need to adjust editor program preferences) - Where to install? Make the decision to either run phpcoin as a website or as an addon to existing website. Basically you need to decide on a folder or directory to plop the files in. - This is a hobby project, go easy on me :) /************************************************************** * Most config vars have been moved to the Parameters table * so please see file: phpcoin_parameters.txt **************************************************************/ /************************************************************** * Configuration: (db,package,theme) **************************************************************/ Important Parameter File Editing: - Configuration Files to be reviewed: - File: CONFIG.PHP - Typical database parameters - May require other changes, should review. - Various site dependent variables - File: CONFIG.PHP - Only requires changes if making theme changes. - Theme related parameters: styles, layouts, etc. /************************************************************** * Configuration File: config.php **************************************************************/ - File: config.php - Database configuration file - Other parameters and paths - Parameter Descriptions: /**************************************************** * Database Configuration Array ****************************************************/ - Database Server (type) (only "mysql") - Default "mysql"- do not change $_DBCFG['dbms'] = "mysql"; - Database Host - Default "localhost"- should not need to change $_DBCFG['dbhost'] = "localhost"; - Database User - The database user name $_DBCFG['dbuname'] = "username"; - Database Password - The database user password $_DBCFG['dbpass'] = "userpassword"; - Database Name - The database name $_DBCFG['dbname'] = "databasename"; - Database Table Prefix - The database table prefix to prefix table names. $_DBCFG['table_prefix'] = "phpcoin_"; /**************************************************** * Package Configuration Variables ****************************************************/ - Define theme related settings - Theme name must be a valid existing directory. - Hardcode Package Theme- used if DB theme enable = 0 $_CCFG[_HC_PKG_THEME] = 'earthtone'; - Enable Database Theme Selection from list below $_CCFG[_DB_PKG_THEME_ENABLE] = 1; - Page header meta tag for doc type / encoding $_CCFG[_PKG_DOC_META_TAG] = ''; - Define laguage file related settings - Language name must be a valid existing directory. - Hardcode Language- used if DB language enable = 0 $_CCFG[_HC_PKG_LANG] = 'lang_english'; - Enable Database Language Selection from list below $_CCFG[_DB_PKG_LANG_ENABLE] = 1; - Offline flag to initiate redirect in core load to the index_offline.html file. (1=offline,0=normal) $_CCFG['_PKG_MODE_OFFLINE'] = 1; - Misc String for Code comparisons - String for "Active" Status comparison. - Must match $_CCFG['CL_STATUS'][0] in the lang_config.php file $_CCFG['_PKG_STR_ACTIVE'] = 'active'; - Parse from user input array- gets stripped out of anonymous user input strings. Replaces with a **** string. (to add just copy line and change value) $_CCFG['PARSE_USER_ENTRY'][] = 'lang_config.php - Package configuration file- language related. - Parameter Descriptions: /**************************************************** * Package Configuration Variables ****************************************************/ > Start System Status Strings- do not edit array except for text for language - Clients Status Select List Params (array string stored) $_CCFG['CL_STATUS'][1] = 'active'; # For Active Clients $_CCFG['CL_STATUS'][2] = 'banned'; # For Banned Clients $_CCFG['CL_STATUS'][3] = 'inactive'; # For In-Active Clients $_CCFG['CL_STATUS'][4] = 'pending'; # For New Clients (pending) $_CCFG['CL_STATUS'][5] = 'void'; # For Void Clients - Domain Status Select List Params (array position stored) $_CCFG['DOM_STATUS'][1] = 'n/a'; $_CCFG['DOM_STATUS'][2] = 'Hosted'; $_CCFG['DOM_STATUS'][3] = 'Parked'; $_CCFG['DOM_STATUS'][4] = 'Other'; - Domain Type Select List Params (array position stored) $_CCFG['DOM_TYPE'][1] = 'n/a'; $_CCFG['DOM_TYPE'][2] = 'Domain- Hosted'; $_CCFG['DOM_TYPE'][3] = 'Domain- Parked'; $_CCFG['DOM_TYPE'][4] = 'Domain- Redirect'; $_CCFG['DOM_TYPE'][5] = 'SubDomain- Hosted'; $_CCFG['DOM_TYPE'][6] = 'SubDomain- Redirect'; $_CCFG['DOM_TYPE'][7] = 'Other'; - Help Desk Status Select List Params (array string stored) $_CCFG['HD_TT_STATUS'][1] = 'Answered'; # For Answered $_CCFG['HD_TT_STATUS'][2] = 'Awaiting Client'; # For Awaiting Client $_CCFG['HD_TT_STATUS'][3] = 'Awaiting Support'; # For Awaiting Support $_CCFG['HD_TT_STATUS'][4] = 'In Progress'; # For In-Progress $_CCFG['HD_TT_STATUS'][5] = 'Unanswered'; # For Unanswered - Invoices Status Select List Params (array string stored) $_CCFG['INV_STATUS'][1] = 'due'; # For Due (sent and waiting) Invoices $_CCFG['INV_STATUS'][2] = 'draft'; # For Draft Version of Invoice $_CCFG['INV_STATUS'][3] = 'overdue'; # For Overdue Invoices $_CCFG['INV_STATUS'][4] = 'paid'; # For Paid Invoices $_CCFG['INV_STATUS'][5] = 'pending'; # For Pending (To Be Sent) Invoices $_CCFG['INV_STATUS'][6] = 'void'; # For Void Invoices - Invoices Delivery Method Select List Params (array string stored) $_CCFG['INV_DELIVERY'][1] = 'email'; # For eMail delivery $_CCFG['INV_DELIVERY'][2] = 'mail'; # For Mail delivery $_CCFG['INV_DELIVERY'][3] = 'online'; # For Online delivery - Invoices Billing Cycle Select List Params (must correspond to params values below ) $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE'][0] = 'Weekly'; # For Weekly $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE'][1] = 'Monthly'; # For Monthly $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE'][2] = 'Quarterly'; # For Quarterly $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE'][3] = 'Semi-Annual'; # For Semi-Annual $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE'][4] = 'Annual'; # For Annual $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE'][5] = 'Other'; # For Other - Invoices Billing Cycle Params Values (must correspond to list params above) $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE_VAL'][0] = 7; # Only one in days $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE_VAL'][1] = 1; # Months $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE_VAL'][2] = 3; # Months $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE_VAL'][3] = 6; # Months $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE_VAL'][4] = 12; # Months $_CCFG['INVC_BILL_CYCLE_VAL'][5] = 24; # Months - Invoices Transaction Type Select List Params $_CCFG['INV_TRANS_TYPE'][0] = 'Debit'; # For Debit $_CCFG['INV_TRANS_TYPE'][1] = 'Credit'; # For Credit $_CCFG['INV_TRANS_TYPE'][2] = 'Payment'; # For Payment - Invoices Transaction Origin Select List Params $_CCFG['INV_TRANS_ORIGIN'][0] = 'Invoice'; # For Invoice $_CCFG['INV_TRANS_ORIGIN'][1] = 'Vendor'; $_CCFG['INV_TRANS_ORIGIN'][2] = 'Credit Card'; $_CCFG['INV_TRANS_ORIGIN'][3] = 'Check'; $_CCFG['INV_TRANS_ORIGIN'][4] = 'Money Order'; $_CCFG['INV_TRANS_ORIGIN'][5] = 'Other'; - Orders Status Select List Params (array string stored) $_CCFG['ORD_STATUS'][0] = 'activated'; # For Activated Orders $_CCFG['ORD_STATUS'][1] = 'cancelled'; # For Cancelled Orders $_CCFG['ORD_STATUS'][2] = 'confirmed'; # For Confirmed Orders $_CCFG['ORD_STATUS'][3] = 'duplicate'; # For Duplicate Orders $_CCFG['ORD_STATUS'][4] = 'pending'; # For New Orders (pending) $_CCFG['ORD_STATUS'][5] = 'void'; # For Void Orders - Orders Domain Action Select List Params (array position stored) $_CCFG['ORD_DOM_ACT'][0] = 'Existing Domain'; # For Existing Domain $_CCFG['ORD_DOM_ACT'][1] = 'New Domain From Here'; # For New Domains From Here $_CCFG['ORD_DOM_ACT'][2] = 'New Domain From Others'; # For New Domains From Others $_CCFG['ORD_DOM_ACT'][3] = 'Transferring Domain'; # For Transferring Domains $_CCFG['ORD_DOM_ACT'][4] = 'Other- Need Help'; # For Other- Need Help - Order Form Optional Field Label Text Params $_CCFG['ORD_LABEL_OPTFLD_01'] = 'Option 1:'; # Optional Field 1 $_CCFG['ORD_LABEL_OPTFLD_02'] = 'Option 2:'; # Optional Field 2 $_CCFG['ORD_LABEL_OPTFLD_03'] = 'Option 3:'; # Optional Field 3 $_CCFG['ORD_LABEL_OPTFLD_04'] = 'Option 4:'; # Optional Field 4 $_CCFG['ORD_LABEL_OPTFLD_05'] = 'Option 5:'; # Optional Field 5 - Order Form COR Optional Field Label Text Params $_CCFG['COR_LABEL_OPTFLD_01'] = 'Option 1:'; # Optional Field 1 $_CCFG['COR_LABEL_OPTFLD_02'] = 'Option 2:'; # Optional Field 2 $_CCFG['COR_LABEL_OPTFLD_03'] = 'Option 3:'; # Optional Field 3 $_CCFG['COR_LABEL_OPTFLD_04'] = 'Option 4:'; # Optional Field 4 $_CCFG['COR_LABEL_OPTFLD_05'] = 'Option 5:'; # Optional Field 5 > End System Status Strings- do not edit array except for text for language --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Begin Parameters that can be modified (add/delete/edit array and text) - Invoices Default Terms String (inserted on new if enabled) $_CCFG['INV_TERMS_DEF_LINE_01'] = 'Payment required to be posted / received by closing of due date.'; $_CCFG['INV_TERMS_DEF_LINE_01'] .= ''; $_CCFG['INV_TERMS_DEF_LINE_01'] .= ''; $_CCFG['INV_TERMS_DEF_LINE_02'] = 'All late payments will be subjected to a 2% late charge.'; $_CCFG['INV_TERMS_DEF_LINE_02'] .= ''; $_CCFG['INV_TERMS_DEF_LINE_02'] .= ''; $_CCFG['INV_TERMS_DEF_LINE_03'] = ''; $_CCFG['INV_TERMS_DEF_LINE_03'] .= ''; $_CCFG['INV_TERMS_DEF_LINE_03'] .= ''; - Help Desk Priority Select List Params (to add just copy line and change value- array NOT sorted for list) $_CCFG['HD_TT_PRIORITY'][] = 'Urgent'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_PRIORITY'][] = 'High Priority'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_PRIORITY'][] = 'Medium Priority'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_PRIORITY'][] = 'Low Priority'; - Help Desk Category Select List Params (to add just copy line and change value- array sorted for list) $_CCFG['HD_TT_CATEGORY'][] = 'Billing'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_CATEGORY'][] = 'Database Issue'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_CATEGORY'][] = 'Email Issue'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_CATEGORY'][] = 'Feedback'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_CATEGORY'][] = 'FTP Issue'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_CATEGORY'][] = 'General'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_CATEGORY'][] = 'Other Issues'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_CATEGORY'][] = 'Script(s) Issue'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_CATEGORY'][] = 'Server Issue'; $_CCFG['HD_TT_CATEGORY'][] = 'Sub-Domains'; - COR Request Type Select List Params (to add just copy line and change value- array sorted for list) $_CCFG['COR_REQ_TYPE'][] = 'Email Only Services'; $_CCFG['COR_REQ_TYPE'][] = 'Hosting Services'; $_CCFG['COR_REQ_TYPE'][] = 'Other'; $_CCFG['COR_REQ_TYPE'][] = 'Webmaster Services'; - COR Option Billing Cycle Select List Params (to add just copy line and change value- array NOT sorted for list) $_CCFG['COR_OPT_BILL_CYCLE'][] = 'Monthly'; $_CCFG['COR_OPT_BILL_CYCLE'][] = 'Quarterly'; $_CCFG['COR_OPT_BILL_CYCLE'][] = 'Semi-Annual'; $_CCFG['COR_OPT_BILL_CYCLE'][] = 'Annual'; - COR Option Payment Select List Params (to add just copy line and change value- array sorted for list) $_CCFG['COR_OPT_PAYMENT'][] = 'Check'; $_CCFG['COR_OPT_PAYMENT'][] = 'Money-Order'; $_CCFG['COR_OPT_PAYMENT'][] = 'Wire Transfer'; > End Parameters that can be modified (add/delete/edit array and text) /************************************************************** * Theme Configuration File: config.php **************************************************************/ - File: config.php - Theme configuration file - Only requires changes if making theme changes. - Theme related parameters: styles, layouts, etc. - Parameter Descriptions: /**************************************************** * Theme Configuration Variables ****************************************************/ Body Tag Parameters (body class doesn't always work) - Tag- Body Background Color (purple="#9933cc") $_TCFG['_TAG_BODY_BACK_COLOR'] = "#00AFAF"; - Tag- Body Link Color $_TCFG['_TAG_BODY_LINK_COLOR'] = "#0000FF"; - Tag- Body Hover Color $_TCFG['_TAG_BODY_HOVER_COLOR'] = "#0000FF"; - Tag- Body Visited Link Color $_TCFG['_TAG_BODY_VLINK_COLOR'] = "#FF0000"; - Tag- Body Active Link Color $_TCFG['_TAG_BODY_ALINK_COLOR'] = "#DC143C"; Table Related Parameters - Tag- Table Border Color $_TCFG['_TAG_TABLE_BRDR_COLOR'] = "#000000"; - Tag- Table Row (TR) / Cell (TD) Background Color (border) - Produces block borders, and therefore color $_TCFG['_TAG_TRTD_BKGRND_COLOR'] = "#000000"; - Buttons / Img File URLS - Just to build common text- do not edit $_PARM_PREFIX = ''; - Buttons / Img File URLS typical for all theme images - Image URL for: Typical - In middle of link is actual file name 'cl_menu_usr_admin.gif' $_TCFG['_IMG_MU_ADMIN_B'] = $_PARM_PREFIX.'cl_menu_usr_admin.gif'.'" alt="'.$_LANG['_THEME']['ALT_IMG_MU_ADMIN_B'].'"'.$_PARM_SUFFIX; - Need only change filename to use a different button. - Button ALT text is language file linked. - To place button anywhere, only need $_TCFG['_IMG_MU_ADMIN_B']