/************************************************************** * File: Documentation: About phpCOIN * Author: Mike Lansberry (http://phpCOIN.com) * Date: 2004-01-04 (V1.2.0) * Changed: Stephen M. Kitching 2004-04-03 (v1.2.1) * License: DO NOT Remove this text block. See /docs/license.txt * Copyright © 2003-2004 phpCOIN.com * Notes: * **************************************************************/ /************************************************************** * Introduction: phpCOIN package **************************************************************/ The phpCOIN package (set of scripts) was originally designed for (re)sellers of web services, but now can be used by any small busines, to manage their clients: - Provides Interface for Client information. - Provides Interface for Client placed orders. - Provides Interface for Admin generated multi-item invoices. - Provides basic contact emails (two-way). - Admin defined products, vendors, and vendor products. - Automated overdue reminders, - And a whole bunch more. The general requirements for running the phpCOIN package are: - Ability to FTP files to website critical. - A mySQL database on your current website host. - Ability to manage mySQL database (for backup / debug ) (using phpMyAdmin or some equal) - Ability to edit some config files (unix text file) - Website running database server mySQL 3.x.x or better. - Website running php 4.1.2 or better. - Some patience. :) /************************************************************** * Important stuff **************************************************************/ Some items to resolve right away: - Tab-spaces for all files is: 4-char (spaces / tab) (may need to adjust editor program preferences) - Unix type text file. All files are created and edited as "unix text" files. Be careful of editors saving in DOS, or MAC type files- always use unix. (may need to adjust editor program preferences) - Where to install? Make the decision to either run phpcoin as a website or as an addon to existing website. Basically you need to decide on a folder or directory to plop the files in. - This is a hobby project, go easy on me :) - Congratulations for reading to the bottom of this stuff. Most just gloss over- you should be commended.