Delete paths.php if it exists. This file originally REPLACED atroot.php but is now no longer needed or used. Delete the file atroot.php if it exists. This file was originally replaced by paths.php but neither file is used any more. Delete the file /admin/xmlcastrss.php if it exists. This functionality is now included within admin/index.php Delete the file /admin/version.php if it exists. This file was moved to the phpCOIN root directory. Delete the file smtp.php if it exists. This file only needs to be in the includes directory. Delete the file /database/db_config.php if it exists. This functionality is now included within config.php Delete the file /modules/invoices/invoices_auto.php if it exists. This functionality is now included in /cron/invoices.php You will need to edit your cron job if you have one scheduled. If you do not wish to utilize wget or a similar program for cron, you will also need to edit /cron/cron_config.php Delete the file /modules/helpdesk/helpdesk_auto.php if it exists. This functionality is now included in /cron/helpdesk.php You will need to edit your cron job if you have one scheduled. If you do not wish to utilize wget or a similar program for cron, you will also need to edit /cron/cron_config.php EDIT THE SETTINGS WITHIN CONFIG.PHP The format AND contents of this file have changed. Your website will NOT run if you do not edit the parameters correctly. If it does NOT already exist, add a new Admin -> Parameter: Group: automation Sub-Group: package Type: Boolean Name: AUTOCHECK_UPDATES Description: Automatically Check For Updates Value: 1 or 0 Notes: If enabled, phpCOIN will check for new versions and bug-fixes each time you click the [Admin] button. This parameter enables phpCOIN to advise you when a new version or bug-fix is available, and provides a direct link to the actual download. This feature uses an RSS feed, and does NOT send any information whatsoever to If it does NOT already exist, add a new Admin -> Parameter: Group: common Sub-Group: package Type: Real Name: PAYLINK_EXCHANGE_RATE Description: Exchange Rate For PayLinks Value: 0 or a REAL Notes: If you show your prices in one curency and collect payment in another, enter the exchange rate here. The product prices will be multiplied by this number for the paylinks. If you do not use different currencies, leave this as 0 If it does NOT already exist, add a new Admin -> Parameter: Group: common Sub-Group: operation Type: Boolean Name: _debug_queries Description: Show Debug Info Value: 1 or 0 Notes: Shows or hides debug info for MySQL queries and server loads at page bottom. If it does NOT already exist, add a new Admin -> Parameter: Group: automation Sub-Group: orders Type: Boolean Name: ORDER_AUTO_PAY_INVOICE Description: Invoice: Auto-Pay From Order Value: Yes Notes: Auto Pay invoice on successful buy return. Normally YES, this MUST be turned OFF if you have the IPN add-on installed If it does NOT already exist, add a new Admin -> Parameter: Group: common Sub-Group: orders Type: Boolean Name: ORDERS_ITEMS_SUB-LIST Description: Group products with heading Value: 1 or 0 Notes: If items are displayed on order form by radio list, setting this ON will "group" the products by the first word in the product display, with that word also used as a group title. This means you can group products by name, description or price. If it does NOT already exist, add a new Admin -> Parameter: Group: common Sub-Group: admin Type: Boolean Name: DisplayType Description: Admin Menu: Display as List Value: 1 or 0 Notes: Displays the Admin Menu as default "button" table or as new "list" format If it does NOT already exist, add a new Admin -> Parameter: Group: common Sub-Group: operation Type: Boolean Name: EMAIL_AS_HTML Description: Email: Enable HTML email Value: 1 or 0 Notes: Enables sending emails as html email with attachments, or as plain ascii text If it does NOT already exist, add a new Admin -> Parameter: Group: common Sub-Group: operation Type: Boolean Name: ENABLE_QUICK_EDIT Description: Enable Quick-Edit Icons Value: 1 or 0 Notes: Enables a quick-access icon for editing parameters and page text, rather than forcing admin to goto Admin and select proper options. If it does NOT already exist, add a new Admin -> Parameter: Group: common Sub-Group: orders Type: Boolean Name: ORDER_EDIT_CLIENT Description: Allow editing client info on re-order Value: 1 or 0 Notes: YES will allow an existing client to edit their contact info when placing a new order. NO will display their contact info without allowing editing If it does NOT already exist, add a new Admin -> Parameter: Group: common Sub-Group: orders Type: Integer Name: ORDERS_FIELD_REQUIRE_ORD Description: Orders Form Field Require Settings- Order Value: 24448 Notes: Determines which fields are required on the orders order form. If it does NOT already exist, add a new Admin -> Parameter: Group: common Sub-Group: orders Type: Integer Name: ORDERS_FIELD_REQUIRE_COR Description: Orders Form Field Require Settings- COR Value: 49184 Notes: Determines which fields are required on the orders COR form. In file lang/lang_english/lang_base.php ADD a new string if it does not already exist: $_LANG['_BASE']['Except'] = 'Except'; In file lang/lang_englich/lang_clients.php ADD a new string if it does not already exist: $_LANG['_CLIENTS']['l_Email_Address_Additional_later'] = 'After the client has been added, you may return to this page and enter additional email contacts for this client:'; If you wish an email subject for invoices different from the default, create a string in lang_invoices.php called $_LANG['_INVCS']['INV_EMAIL_SUBJECT'] This is the email subject that will be sent to a client on an invoice and can contain replaceable parameters: %SITENAME% = Ssite short name %INV_NO% = The current invoice number %INV_AMT_TTL% = Invoice Total Amount %INV_AMT_PAID% = Amount Paid to date on invoice %AMT_BAL_DUE% = Balance still due on invoice %DATE_DUE% = Date invoice is due to be paid by %DATE_ISSUED% = Date invoice was issued %INV_TERMS% = Payment terms %INV_STATUS% = Status (due, overdue, etc.) %INV_CYCLE% = Invoice cycle (monthly, annual, etc) %CLIENT_NAME% = Client's name, in "FirstName LastName" format For example: $_LANG['_INVCS']['INV_EMAIL_SUBJECT'] = '%SITENAME% - Invoice ID: %INV_NO%, Due: %DATE_DUE%, Amount: %INV_AMT_TTL%'; IF $_LANG['_INVCS']['INV_EMAIL_SUBJECT'] is blank or non-existant, the default email subject is: $_CCFG['_PKG_NAME_SHORT'] . $_LANG['_INVCS']['INV_EMAIL_SUBJECT_PRE']; The same parameters used above can also be used in a "receipt" subject line. The language string must be named $_LANG['_INVCS']['PYT_EMAIL_SUBJECT'] You may create a graphic (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, or .bmp) called "" (where xxx is the file extension) and place it in the /images directory. It will automatically be used as a top-of-page logo for "printed" invoices. In file lang/lang_english/lang_invoices.php ADD a new string if it does not already exist: $_LANG['_INVCS']['INV_PRINT_FOOTER'] = ''; This will be used as a "footer" for printed invoices In file lang/lang_english/lang_clients.php edit this string so it is no longer blank $_LANG['_CLIENTS']['CL_ERR_ERR25'] = '- Additional Email appears to be invalid.';